Biblical Letter from Christians to Gay People

Originally posted on askthe"Bigot":
A Facebook friend of mine posted a link on my page called “An Open Letter from Christians to Gay People.”  I wrote “A Biblical Letter from Christians to Gay People” in response. To all gay persons, For the times when those who call themselves Christians have bullied, condemned,…

But, what is “the Church”?

In response to my post “Be the Church” Keith writes: It seems as if Adam Lanza was a church attendee.  So, The Church, “God’s prescriptions for mental health”, was in this case, unable to overcome the effect of Adam’s broken home. I love the adage “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more…

Be the Church

Like the rest of the nation, my husband and I have been pondering what could have been done to prevent a tragedy like the one in Sandy Hook, or the theater in Aurora, or Columbine, or, or, or…  In ministry we get to see God’s hand at work in even the most difficult situations.  But we have…

The Bible says it. I believe it. That… settles it?

When I first became a Christian, I remember having serious questions about many social issues.  Sometimes my especially difficult inquiries were met, not with historical proofs or apologetic reasoning, but with the flustered response “The Bible says it.  I believe it.  That settles it.”  There was a time when that response would satisfy.  A time when many…

Who was right: the Jews or the Christians?

Question from a reader: Despite all the points you mentioned, the vast majority of Jews at the time (the very people Jesus tried to preach to) rejected Jesus and the New Testament. What does that tell you? Either the Jews are right, or Christians are right, not both.   The Bigot’s response:  There are over 300…

Chapter Next…

A few weeks ago, I caught the end of an NPR interview with Andrew Solomon about his book “Far From the Tree.”  Interviewer Robert Siegel asked Solomon about his own “post-nuclear family.” Solomon explains: When I met John, who is now my husband, he told me that he had had some friends, Tammy and Laura,…

The reality of “Sexual Orientation”

Sexuality touches a part of our humanity as deeply as any part of life can.  This subject is weighty, personal and not nearly as one-dimensional as TV sitcoms would have you believe. The media does a good job of presenting the portrait of a youth struggling to make sense of his identity and same-sex attractions,…