Study the Studies- What the data really tells us about same-sex parenting

It’s high time we consult the all-powerful God Of Science when we assess the effects of children raised in same-sex headed households. On several occasions, people have attempted to refute my position citing the studies that claim there is “no difference” in outcomes between kids raised by same sex-parents and kids raised in heterosexual households. This misapprehension must…

Orphans No Longer

All commands given by God have this in common: they are easy to say, but hard to live. In this post, I want to focus on one of these commands: to care for orphans in their distress (James 1:27). The cause of the orphan is of late getting the attention that it deserves within the…

Fearing God and climbing Mt. Everest

For the past week I have been following a new blogger named Alex.  She is an agnostic who is blogging about reading through the Bible in a year.  I especially look forward to reading her posts.  Here’s an excerpt from her post Church Marquees, Faith, and Fear, and our discussion that followed. Alex: Last week, a…

Trusting My Heavenly Father

My nine-year-old and I have been spending some quality time together… in the middle of the night.  She is the last of my four kids to come down with the Chicken Pox and thankfully she is almost over it.  But for a couple nights, she simply couldn’t rest.  So we made a bed for her…