Patricia Todd is Right- Why conservatives need to get their act together.

Surprise! I agree with Alabama’s first openly gay state legislator, Patricia Todd.  Not her view that Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage should be overturned.  She’s wrong about that.  But she’s right that you don’t get to make a moral argument about marriage and family, especially one that is based on “Christian values,” when you are sleeping around with…

Prudence, the new cowardice- my brief for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo slaughter, some brave news outlets chose to print the satirical paper’s disparaging cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.  Many others chickened out using the “let’s be prudent” defense. They have, unfortunately, confused prudence for cowardice in this case and I have found myself increasingly frustrated by those mediaites who refuse to speak the truth about…