My A’s to your Q’s- and other juicy tidbits.

Hidy Ho new recruits! I am so honored to see so many new handles here at asktheBigot! I suspect many of you found your way here via the article I was privileged to pen for Public Discourse.  Honestly, I was so overwhelmed and humbled by the response to that piece. And I am amazed that a…

Adoption- It’s for the Children. (Really)

Squeezed into my recent schedule of child-free jet setting, and my darn near desperate search for a new hair stylist, I have been educating myself on third-party reproduction and have concluded that the arguments for surrogacy, egg and sperm donation almost inevitably end in “how is it different from adoption?” Good question. America was doing adoption way…

Orphans No Longer

All commands given by God have this in common: they are easy to say, but hard to live. In this post, I want to focus on one of these commands: to care for orphans in their distress (James 1:27). The cause of the orphan is of late getting the attention that it deserves within the…

The French Get It.

The French see the question of legalizing gay marriage for what it really is- the endorsement of same-sex parenting.  This secular nation held one of their largest demonstrations since 1984 today- in opposition to gay marriage.  About 340,000 protesters marched at the Eiffel Tower to voice opposition to their president’s proposal to legalize gay marriage and…