A response to “Why I Raise My Children Without God.”

Since I have SO VERY MUCH TIME on my hands to wander the internet haplessly and eat Bon Bons I decided to lavish some of my endless leisure time on a blog post I stumbled upon entitled “Why I Raise My Children Without God.”   Such a title was obviously written to get my personal…

Dear Pat Robertson,

I have scrolled through your bio on Wikipedia and I am too young to remember the bulk of your personal achievements- your accomplishments are many and impressive. A presidential bid, the founding of several respected Christian organizations, your funding of higher education, The 700 Club. (I have never actually seen this show myself but I…

Redemption Waits

“Don’t try and interview me.  Because there are a lot of things in my life that I don’t want to talk about,” she had told me before we met for coffee.  And yet, here she was pouring out the details, horrible heart-breaking details, of the choices she had made and the gut-wrenching fall-out.  What to…

Prophet vs. Paul

A couple months ago on my way into Goodwill (where I spend much of my free time) I encountered a preacher standing in the middle of the parking lot.  He was a Hispanic man and he was crying out “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” in Spanish and then in English.  He…