Engaging the World

Once again, the US is talking about gay marriage.  Amidst pre-school carpooling, laundry-folding, and making vats of spaghetti sauce, I catch snippets of Nina Totenberg’s commentary on Proposition 8 arguments to the Supreme Court.  Many on Facebook have donned red “=” profile pictures.  There are renewed calls for Christians to boycott my beloved Starbucks over Howard…

Marriage, poverty, and self-control.

A couple days ago I had breakfast with a dearly loved liberal friend.  She is a biologist and doing valuable work to protect our earth’s natural resources around the globe.  Despite our differing perspectives, we found common ground regarding our values- specifically in anti-trafficking efforts, feeding the hungry, and fighting poverty.  Because we have both…

Is being gay a sin?

Are you saying being Gay is a sin? If this is so I would imagine a Gay person would find this prayer offensive. Being Gay is not a sin. Unlike your lesbianfriend I am finding it hard to respect your right to believe homosexuality is a sin – have you posted on this topic –…

Communication Principles

In most areas of life, scripture does not give us details on how to deal with every single situation.  But it does give principles within which to operate when problems arise.  Here are several biblical principles that are to guide Christians in how to maintain right relationships with one another. Maintain Unity Unity is painstakingly…