Lego Wars: Let boys build, let girls nurture.

The belief that men and women are unequal because they are different is an erroneous, yet all too commonplace, conclusion and it can lead to some really unconscionable actions. Here’s an example what can happen when such flawed thinking is unleashed in a classroom just a short ferry ride from my home: Kindergarten teacher bans boys from using legos…

Meekness vs. Weakness

A fellow blogger believes I am a coward. According to this name-calling, bomb-lobbing sister-in-Christ I am, as she so elegantly phrased it, “a coward for the Lord.”  Apparently because Jesus called the Jewish leadership ‘hypocrite’, ‘den of vipers’, ‘white washed sepulchers of death full of dead men’s bones’, ‘liars’, ‘completely evil’, ‘dunces’ etc, Christians conducting…

Be the Church

Like the rest of the nation, my husband and I have been pondering what could have been done to prevent a tragedy like the one in Sandy Hook, or the theater in Aurora, or Columbine, or, or, or…  In ministry we get to see God’s hand at work in even the most difficult situations.  But we have…

The Bible says it. I believe it. That… settles it?

When I first became a Christian, I remember having serious questions about many social issues.  Sometimes my especially difficult inquiries were met, not with historical proofs or apologetic reasoning, but with the flustered response “The Bible says it.  I believe it.  That settles it.”  There was a time when that response would satisfy.  A time when many…

The Sifting- Part 2

In the Sifting-Part 1, we looked at how the early church grew and thrived despite persecution.  After Christianity was legalized, the word Christian became meaningless because lukewarm believers joined the church and used the title of “Christian” for political or monetary gain.  I believe this scenario is playing itself out in reverse today in America.  Here’s how:…

The Sifting- Part 1

“Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your strength may not fail.”  Luke 22:31-32 Did you feel the earth shift on election night?  Something foundational has given way.  Liberals and conservative bloggers and commentators all seem to sense that a great change is upon us. We…