Goodbye AskTheBigot, Hello Them Before Us

We lost the marriage battle because we got a few critical things wrong.   First, we thought that studies, logic and tradition would be enough. The reality is that none of that holds a candle to the persuasive power of story. The other side won the day, because they were able to humanize their arguments,…

Dad Gives Birth- Baby Pays the Price

Shock Headline Du Jour: “My Brother’s Pregnancy and the making of a New American Family.” In the article that follows, the sister describes how her “brother” (born female, and who is still female, as evidence by the fact that “he” can carry and breastfeed a child) has given birth to a Baby Boy. Ignore the…

Thoughts of Donor-conceived Children of Gay Parents in Their Own Words

As stated, ad nauseum, here, there and everywhere my objection to institutionalizing gay marriage is grounded in protecting the rights of children.  Human beings have a right to their mother and father and we are designed to long for a relationship with both of our biological parents. There is no denying same-sex attracted parents can be great parents, my…

Adoption- It’s for the Children. (Really)

Squeezed into my recent schedule of child-free jet setting, and my darn near desperate search for a new hair stylist, I have been educating myself on third-party reproduction and have concluded that the arguments for surrogacy, egg and sperm donation almost inevitably end in “how is it different from adoption?” Good question. America was doing adoption way…

True Nature: Sometimes adults shouldn’t get what they want.

This last week I packed my to-go Bon Bon cooler and jetted off to SoCal in order to attend the inaugural conference of the International Children’s Right’s Institute (ICRI).  The topics were third party reproduction, divorce, and adoption. Divorce and adoption are pretty old news. But in case you have been dwelling in a cave for the past…