Gender Confused Confusion- When Kids “Transition”

This video has been making the rounds on my Facebook feed. Corey, a 14-year old boy who has decided to live as a girl, tells of the bullying he experienced in elementary school, how he struggled to even have a few male friends and after fifth grade decided to reject his maleness altogether. The real…

Dear Jen Hatmaker,

I have long admired you- your heart for the orphan, your humorous-without-being-demeaning writing… but I mostly admire your big earrings.  I have watched you tackle hard subjects, and do so with fairness. But I’m at a loss over your post yesterday about the horror in Orlando.  The one that stated: It is very difficult to accept…

Lego Wars: Let boys build, let girls nurture.

The belief that men and women are unequal because they are different is an erroneous, yet all too commonplace, conclusion and it can lead to some really unconscionable actions. Here’s an example what can happen when such flawed thinking is unleashed in a classroom just a short ferry ride from my home: Kindergarten teacher bans boys from using legos…

The Story of Moira Greyland (Guest Post)

I was born into a family of famous gay pagan authors in the late Sixties. My mother was Marion Zimmer Bradley, and my father was Walter Breen. Between them, they wrote over 100 books: my mother wrote science fiction and fantasy (Mists of Avalon), and my father wrote books on numismatics: he was a coin…

Bruce Jenner takes off his cross- and hands it to his children

The whole world has turned their attention to Bruce Jenner, whose transition has been the number one trending story for two days. Big Media, cultural elites, and even the White House are falling all over themselves to swoon over Mister Bruce Jenner and his “transition” to womanhood.  Some of the adjectives bandied about describing his coming out include “Brave” and “Courageous.”…

Study the Studies- What the data really tells us about same-sex parenting

It’s high time we consult the all-powerful God Of Science when we assess the effects of children raised in same-sex headed households. On several occasions, people have attempted to refute my position citing the studies that claim there is “no difference” in outcomes between kids raised by same sex-parents and kids raised in heterosexual households. This misapprehension must…

Dear Ferguson Protestor,

You have suffered a grave, systemic, institutionalized injustice. But it’s not what you think it is. It’s not The Man and it’s not racism. I do not deny the existence of racism but the color of your skin is not at the heart of this matter. The problem is more powerful and profoundly wounding to your souls.…