What “White, Conservative, Christians” Really Believe- A response to John Pavlovitz

Dear Mr. Pavlovitz, Your article “White, Conservative, Christian Friends – I Really Wish You Were Pro-Life” is a textbook example of racist, media-driven stereotypes. It constructs a shallow straw-man caricature of “white, conservative, Christians” and blames them for just about every major problem facing our society. It seems you have somehow arrived at the mistaken…

Black Lives Matter- That’s Why I’m A Marriage Advocate

On their website, Black Lives Matter lists this Guiding Principle: “We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”  On that front, there is very little work left to do, as currently only seventeen percent of black children will reach their 18th birthday living in a nuclear family headed by their married father and mother.  Deion…

Dad Gives Birth- Baby Pays the Price

Shock Headline Du Jour: “My Brother’s Pregnancy and the making of a New American Family.” In the article that follows, the sister describes how her “brother” (born female, and who is still female, as evidence by the fact that “he” can carry and breastfeed a child) has given birth to a Baby Boy. Ignore the…

Dear Jen Hatmaker,

I have long admired you- your heart for the orphan, your humorous-without-being-demeaning writing… but I mostly admire your big earrings.  I have watched you tackle hard subjects, and do so with fairness. But I’m at a loss over your post yesterday about the horror in Orlando.  The one that stated: It is very difficult to accept…

Prudence, the new cowardice- my brief for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo slaughter, some brave news outlets chose to print the satirical paper’s disparaging cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.  Many others chickened out using the “let’s be prudent” defense. They have, unfortunately, confused prudence for cowardice in this case and I have found myself increasingly frustrated by those mediaites who refuse to speak the truth about…

Dear Ferguson Protestor,

You have suffered a grave, systemic, institutionalized injustice. But it’s not what you think it is. It’s not The Man and it’s not racism. I do not deny the existence of racism but the color of your skin is not at the heart of this matter. The problem is more powerful and profoundly wounding to your souls.…

True Nature: Sometimes adults shouldn’t get what they want.

This last week I packed my to-go Bon Bon cooler and jetted off to SoCal in order to attend the inaugural conference of the International Children’s Right’s Institute (ICRI).  The topics were third party reproduction, divorce, and adoption. Divorce and adoption are pretty old news. But in case you have been dwelling in a cave for the past…

Another casuality in the War on Women

How would you respond if you were the victim of an egregious injustice?  An injustice that wreaked destruction in every aspect of your life and the lives of your precious children?  You were the casualty of a wrecking ball that plunged you into financial ruin, upended your entire life, and dragged your innocent children into an…