A response to “Why I Raise My Children Without God.”

Since I have SO VERY MUCH TIME on my hands to wander the internet haplessly and eat Bon Bons I decided to lavish some of my endless leisure time on a blog post I stumbled upon entitled “Why I Raise My Children Without God.”   Such a title was obviously written to get my personal…

NPR- National Propagandist Radio

NPR shared this link. My comment on their thread: There are many of us (Christians who understand that neither homosexual behavior nor gay marriage is condoned by God) who are joyfully setting a place at our Thanksgiving table for our family and friends who are gay. You will not hear their thoughtful, biblical, and informed…

Meekness vs. Weakness

A fellow blogger believes I am a coward. According to this name-calling, bomb-lobbing sister-in-Christ I am, as she so elegantly phrased it, “a coward for the Lord.”  Apparently because Jesus called the Jewish leadership ‘hypocrite’, ‘den of vipers’, ‘white washed sepulchers of death full of dead men’s bones’, ‘liars’, ‘completely evil’, ‘dunces’ etc, Christians conducting…

Lost Things- and the God Who Loves Them

“Mom, are you still looking for Yuki?” I can’t help it.  Even though my cat of fifteen years has been gone for nearly a week I keep hoping that she will come home.   In every room of the house I find myself looking out the windows, pressing my face against the screen so I can…

Engaging the World

Once again, the US is talking about gay marriage.  Amidst pre-school carpooling, laundry-folding, and making vats of spaghetti sauce, I catch snippets of Nina Totenberg’s commentary on Proposition 8 arguments to the Supreme Court.  Many on Facebook have donned red “=” profile pictures.  There are renewed calls for Christians to boycott my beloved Starbucks over Howard…

Orphans No Longer

All commands given by God have this in common: they are easy to say, but hard to live. In this post, I want to focus on one of these commands: to care for orphans in their distress (James 1:27). The cause of the orphan is of late getting the attention that it deserves within the…

Be the Church

Like the rest of the nation, my husband and I have been pondering what could have been done to prevent a tragedy like the one in Sandy Hook, or the theater in Aurora, or Columbine, or, or, or…  In ministry we get to see God’s hand at work in even the most difficult situations.  But we have…