Rules of Engagement

Assembled masses.  Let us review our Rules of Engagement here on asktheBigot. You are invited to think critically. I encourage you to present and attack arguments. (Surprise! It’s biblical to judge ideas. John 7:24) Ask, discuss, share and debate. Come on IN! The water is hot and shark infested. All the cool kids are doing…

Wrong Side of History? (The Death of DOMA)

The High Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) today.  The decision was celebrated by tweets and bloggers who are again announcing that those who support natural marriage are on the “wrong side of history.”  Public opinion on the issue of gay marriage is changing, no doubt aided by the overwhelming media bias.…

“Spanking For Jesus”

(READ: Imagineer-a-selfish-crackpot-“theology”-around-a-few-of-out-of-context-verses-and-call-it-Christianity.) What began as a sensational little tidbit in The Daily Beast now, predictably, has fueled Christian-hating bloggers to gleefully announce “Latest trend in Christianity: Beating Your Wife for Jesus” and “Hot New Trend: Spanking for Jesus.”  Until two days ago, I had never heard of this miniscule subculture that practices what they term…

Exodus International Shuts Down- Now We Must Step Up

Have you ever tried to straddle a fence that was just an inch too high?  If not, you can imagine that it’s an exceptionally uncomfortable position.  The tendency is to jump from one foot to the other, rather than stand on tippy-toe with weight evenly divided on both sides. That is the picture in my…

Pew Report Reveals Media Bias

A new Pew Research report reveals what every supporter of real, heterosexual marriage already knows full well- that all aspects of mainstream media are skewed to inflate the actual reality of public opinion in support for gay marriage.  If you are short on time you could stop after reading the title, “Far More Coverage Of…

“Student Kicked Out For Being Lesbian”

LIE.  Truth? This student was kicked out after violating the code of ethics as stated in the student handbook. A code to which she and all students pledge to follow, and publicly proclaimed so with their signature, before attending their first class.  Danielle Powell was expelled in 2011 after she began a relationship with another…

Marriage Is Good For You (and it’s not just the commitment)

I often hear gay marriage supporters speak of how the “benefits” of marriage should be extended to all.  And to some extent, I agree.  I support legislation that would allow hospital visitations, property arrangements, end-of-life decisions, etc. to be equally applied to same-sex couples.  (I believe that redefining marriage redefines parenthood, and therefore oppose gay marriage.)…

Meekness vs. Weakness

A fellow blogger believes I am a coward. According to this name-calling, bomb-lobbing sister-in-Christ I am, as she so elegantly phrased it, “a coward for the Lord.”  Apparently because Jesus called the Jewish leadership ‘hypocrite’, ‘den of vipers’, ‘white washed sepulchers of death full of dead men’s bones’, ‘liars’, ‘completely evil’, ‘dunces’ etc, Christians conducting…