A Duck by Any Other Name…

Once upon a time there was this ubergay character on the most popular reality TV show of all time named Bill Hobertson. This guy was the quintessential gay man. Such a gay man he was almost a caricature of the Gay Man.  On every single episode, Bill and his post-nuclear family were unapologetic about their…

NPR- National Propagandist Radio

NPR shared this link. My comment on their thread: There are many of us (Christians who understand that neither homosexual behavior nor gay marriage is condoned by God) who are joyfully setting a place at our Thanksgiving table for our family and friends who are gay. You will not hear their thoughtful, biblical, and informed…

Pew Report Reveals Media Bias

A new Pew Research report reveals what every supporter of real, heterosexual marriage already knows full well- that all aspects of mainstream media are skewed to inflate the actual reality of public opinion in support for gay marriage.  If you are short on time you could stop after reading the title, “Far More Coverage Of…