A Muslim, a Jew, and a Southern Baptist walk into a, uh, the Vatican?

Woot woot! There is a big old shindig going down at the Vatican right now, and no, I wasn’t invited either. The party people are going by the fancy title of Humanum Colloquium. For us unpopular kids it can be digested more easily as a consortium on the value of marriage and complementarity of the sexes and includes ALL…

I’m more like Jonah than I care to admit.

In the past, I admit, I have judged Jonah.  What a navel-gazing, self-absorbed jerk, right? He intimately knew God’s character- you know, that part where He describes Himself as “gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” The part where He eagerly forgives those who repent and turn from their wicked ways? But Jonah knew better…

Who was right: the Jews or the Christians?

Question from a reader: Despite all the points you mentioned, the vast majority of Jews at the time (the very people Jesus tried to preach to) rejected Jesus and the New Testament. What does that tell you? Either the Jews are right, or Christians are right, not both.   The Bigot’s response:  There are over 300…

“But, Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality!”

Jesus did not use the term “conservation” but that doesn’t mean that as Christians we have no responsibility to care for the planet.  He didn’t talk about anorexia but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t care for our bodies.  He doesn’t mention human trafficking but that doesn’t excuse us of responsibility to those sold into…