Dear Jen Hatmaker,

I have long admired you- your heart for the orphan, your humorous-without-being-demeaning writing… but I mostly admire your big earrings.  I have watched you tackle hard subjects, and do so with fairness. But I’m at a loss over your post yesterday about the horror in Orlando.  The one that stated: It is very difficult to accept…

I’m more like Jonah than I care to admit.

In the past, I admit, I have judged Jonah.  What a navel-gazing, self-absorbed jerk, right? He intimately knew God’s character- you know, that part where He describes Himself as “gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” The part where He eagerly forgives those who repent and turn from their wicked ways? But Jonah knew better…

Living in the Tension

I attended a conference on ministry this week that included a session called “Living in the Tension,” which was designed to guide us in ministering to gay peoples.  Like most areas of the country, that’s happening here in the Great Northwest on occasion.  The discussion reconfirmed a couple truths. First, when people tell you that…

Lost Things- and the God Who Loves Them

“Mom, are you still looking for Yuki?” I can’t help it.  Even though my cat of fifteen years has been gone for nearly a week I keep hoping that she will come home.   In every room of the house I find myself looking out the windows, pressing my face against the screen so I can…

Is being gay a sin?

Are you saying being Gay is a sin? If this is so I would imagine a Gay person would find this prayer offensive. Being Gay is not a sin. Unlike your lesbianfriend I am finding it hard to respect your right to believe homosexuality is a sin – have you posted on this topic –…

The great *stigma* divide.

“You sent me the link to your blog, and I knew I was never going to open it,” one of my closest friends who falls on the other side of this issue told me. It was reported that a family member said something to the effect of: “I just began reading a few words of…