Goodbye AskTheBigot, Hello Them Before Us

We lost the marriage battle because we got a few critical things wrong.   First, we thought that studies, logic and tradition would be enough. The reality is that none of that holds a candle to the persuasive power of story. The other side won the day, because they were able to humanize their arguments,…

The Mother of All Same-Sex Parenting Studies

I have had several conversation recently on the studies that supposedly show “no difference” between children raised in the home of same-sex parents and those raised in the home of their married mother and father. It’s interesting that many who pride themselves on valuing science and data would swallow this claim without really understanding the…

I’m a Modern Women Who Loves My Church’s Male-Only Pastor Rule

(My first article published at The Federalist) October was chock full of political drama, so I can understand how you might have missed that it was also Pastor Appreciation Month. Republic death throes notwithstanding, our church surprised each of our elders and pastors with as much appreciation as we tired voters could muster. Because all anyone can…

What “White, Conservative, Christians” Really Believe- A response to John Pavlovitz

Dear Mr. Pavlovitz, Your article “White, Conservative, Christian Friends – I Really Wish You Were Pro-Life” is a textbook example of racist, media-driven stereotypes. It constructs a shallow straw-man caricature of “white, conservative, Christians” and blames them for just about every major problem facing our society. It seems you have somehow arrived at the mistaken…

Black Lives Matter- That’s Why I’m A Marriage Advocate

On their website, Black Lives Matter lists this Guiding Principle: “We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”  On that front, there is very little work left to do, as currently only seventeen percent of black children will reach their 18th birthday living in a nuclear family headed by their married father and mother.  Deion…

Dad Gives Birth- Baby Pays the Price

Shock Headline Du Jour: “My Brother’s Pregnancy and the making of a New American Family.” In the article that follows, the sister describes how her “brother” (born female, and who is still female, as evidence by the fact that “he” can carry and breastfeed a child) has given birth to a Baby Boy. Ignore the…

Gender Confused Confusion- When Kids “Transition”

This video has been making the rounds on my Facebook feed. Corey, a 14-year old boy who has decided to live as a girl, tells of the bullying he experienced in elementary school, how he struggled to even have a few male friends and after fifth grade decided to reject his maleness altogether. The real…

Dear Jen Hatmaker,

I have long admired you- your heart for the orphan, your humorous-without-being-demeaning writing… but I mostly admire your big earrings.  I have watched you tackle hard subjects, and do so with fairness. But I’m at a loss over your post yesterday about the horror in Orlando.  The one that stated: It is very difficult to accept…

Can you feel the Censorship tonight?

On Monday my friend Paddy Manning, a gay man in Ireland, published “The Airbrushed Portrait of the Perfect Marriage” at Mercatornet. The article critiqued the narrative that Elton John and David Furnish have “one of the most blissfully happy marriages” in show-business. Paddy points out that such a picture of the couple is only possible because, in…

Lego Wars: Let boys build, let girls nurture.

The belief that men and women are unequal because they are different is an erroneous, yet all too commonplace, conclusion and it can lead to some really unconscionable actions. Here’s an example what can happen when such flawed thinking is unleashed in a classroom just a short ferry ride from my home: Kindergarten teacher bans boys from using legos…